What is Brand identity and why does it matter

August 30, 2022

A brand identity is the face of your company. It’s the attributes that make someone recognize your brand in a second. Your identity is what makes someone like or dislike your brand at first sight. Rather than being just another corporate term, brand identity is something that every company needs to keep in mind from day one. Many businesses fail because they don’t have an identity, not because of competition or anything else. Because their brand doesn’t stand out and people don't remember it. A strong brand identity can give a business a competitive edge, attract customers, and help build loyalty among existing ones.

Why does a brand identity matter?

Your brand is the face of your company. It will be the first thing people see, and the last thing they remember. A strong brand identity is essential to set yourself apart and build loyalty with your customers. A strong brand will also give you a competitive edge in the industry that is often showcased on Edmonton Website Design. You’ll be better positioned to take on the big players in your field, and give customers a reason to choose you over them. If you are a startup, branding is even more important. A strong brand can help you gain the traction and funding you need to get off the ground, and even scale to new heights. A strong brand identity can give your business a competitive edge, attract customers, and help build loyalty among existing ones. Your brand should be instantly recognizable and convey key information about your company. It should be consistent across all your marketing channels and be memorable over time.

Elements of a Brand Identity

- Brand Name - The name of your company. This is what your customers will see first, and it can make or break their opinion of your brand. A misleading or unappealing name can lead customers to make a bad first impression. - Tagline - A brief statement that explains the goals and values of your brand. The tagline will help people see how you’re different from the rest, and make up their mind about your company. - Target Audience - Who are you marketing to? You should know your target audience inside and out. This is the person who is most likely to use your product, and who you want to choose you. - Visual Brand Assets - These are the visual representations of your company. It’s important to include a visual element in all your marketing materials, as the images can help customers remember your brand. This can be your logo, a product photo, or even a picture of your employees. - Tone and Personality - Tone and personality are connected, but not the same thing. Tone refers to the feeling a customer has when they interact with you.

How to build a brand identity?

- Define Your Goals - What do you want to achieve with your brand? Know what you’re trying to accomplish, and set goals to get you there. You can use a branding exercise like the SWOT analysis to figure out what you need to focus on. - Know Your Competition - You’re not in a vacuum when you start a business. You’re surrounded by other companies and brands. Make sure you know how they fit in and what they’re doing well. This can help with your brand identity. - Get Your Employees Involved - Your employees are the ones who are in the trenches every day, talking to customers and prospects. They are the ones who will interact with customers the most. Get them involved in creating your brand, and they’ll be invested in the success of your company. Brand identity can also be shown across all Edmonton social media management.


A brand identity is the face of your company. It’s the attributes that make someone recognize your brand in a second. Your identity is what makes someone like or dislike your brand at first sight. Elements of a Brand Identity include Brand Name, Tagline, Target Audience, Visual Brand Assets, and Tone and Personality. A strong brand identity can give your business a competitive edge, attract customers, and help build loyalty among existing ones. Your brand should be instantly recognizable and convey key information about your company. Get started with an in depth analysis of your brand with a free consultation with the experts.

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Edmonton web design company

What is Brand identity and why does it matter

August 28, 2022