For some of you this is going to be old news, for others this will be the first time you have ever heard about having a mobile friendly or “responsive” website. In the past, it was common practice to have two separate websites, one for desktop and one for mobile. These days professional designers will be able to provide you will one website that will beautifully respond to the size of the screen it is being viewed on. Older websites that were not built responsively are easy to spot on mobile devices because they are difficult to view and require the viewer to scroll left and right and zoom in and out to properly see content.
Historically Google would crawl the desktop version of your website and use that as the primary source of information when indexing your website in their search results. With their mobile first indexing initiative, they will crawl the mobile version of the site first and use that as their primary ranking metric. There is no reason to panic as this is going to take time to come into full effect but not having a responsive website will have an impact on your search engine success over time. If you end up being in a position where you do not have a mobile website and your desktop version is not responsive, it does not mean you cannot be found on Google. Rather, your rankings will not be as high in comparison to competitors that have a responsive website. This situation is one you should try an avoid if you are actively trying to compete in search engine marketing.
A final thing to consider is the fact that over half of all website visitors are going to come to your site through a mobile device. If your website loads too slowly or lacks design elements and functionality when viewed on a phone, it could cost your business potential customers. We don’t want anyone to stress out, but if you don’t have a responsive website the time has come to get one. If you have any further questions or concerns about responsive website design in Edmonton, or want to optimize your current website for mobile, get in touch with us today!
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